Thursday, March 4, 2010

Soccer Rules-Fouls - Dangerous Play

A fault in any sport is a violation of the code that the code of conduct of sport in any way, and each athlete punished for foul play in his own way. Football defines misconduct committed an unfair practice, a player against an opponent or the opposing team during a match. The penalty depends on the nature of the injury, but is a direct free kick or indirect. To commit a foul, he is the only act that occur on the field while the ball is in play this way in Maymake a mistake and can not even justify a warning or farewell, but this is not a fault.

For some minor offenses, the penalty is an indirect contact, which means that the ball may be a second player of the attacking team score will be affected. Faults are often termed "technical fault", because most of them are the direct result of a crime, but played by a violation of football rules, which are normally designed to prevent or keep running faults out criminalarrives. Such a "technical fault", the action of the game in a dangerous manner, commonly called a "dangerous game".

Playing in a dangerous manner

Another major concern of the referee is the safety of players. Consequently, a referee penalize penalize dangerous game with the award an indirect free kick from the other side.

The directive does not define exactly what is meant by "playing a dangerous manner, to move only to the refereeReferee. The accepted notions of a "dangerous game" are high and occur close to other players, they go wild on the floor with the players in the region, fighting for the ball with studs are exposed or if it belongs holder himself the opportunity to be at risk of injury if it causes a person to play the ball out of fear, hurt his opponent was not too adventurous. Only one fault he puts an opponent in danger, however. A kick only highMidfield person at risk, whereas the same phenomenon occurs in a crowded penalty area very well. And while many viewers will feel uncomfortable if a player comes on the floor on the ball, it's just a "dangerous game" if it is the legs and feet of the opponent in danger.

At higher levels of the game, in which the talent of players, but more likely to be used in a game, this lesion is usually called only if it causes the enemy to react by trying to avoidContact. For most games the Youth and adult amateur games, everyone will see the referee to a higher degree of reason to impose on players that their enthusiasm might suggest is also present.

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