Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Soccer Player Tips for Better Performance

Football player tips for better performance. To examine the tips and techniques for playing football.

Here are some ideas to consider when you play the game of football.

1. Continue moving the ball with one or two touches.This is also known as interpassing within a team setting known.

2. Play the ball with pace, a strong pass Sharp, whether of a 3 meters or 20 meters to go.

Yes, and your teammates.

3. Play to move the ball.

Play and Moveinvolves making the basic idea of the race, but the important thing to remember is to ensure that these dangerous and make tracks that lead to goals or scoring opportunities opened space for a teammate.

Get the ball and run it and then put that behind the defense again to make sure your teammates you chip the ball over the opponent.

4. Give him and retrieve it.

Give and Go or by the wall happen.

Like all football is the ability to force pass exactlyOpportunities. The key is to establish your defense.

You must be quick to draw the defenders to you, as if he or she is able to intercept the ball, then we give and go - the acceleration in the open space to pass to get back.

5. Dribble If you change your pace, after a move to beat an opponent.

Attack quickly when there is a benefit or opportunity.

Try to keep the ball moving as quickly as possible. If there is a chancePause, then cons-attacked with some precision passes.

6. Hold the ball close to their feet in the control of the ball. Keep your head and see the field as everyone is in motion.

7. When dribbling the ball and try to every step you take. To precisely control the ball safely, then you improve your ability to cut the ball from defenders.

8. Get on the cross to placement attempts and 6 to 18 yard boxes. While the guard is down and tryand collect the ball.

Thus, the goal is to open and vunerable. A cross directly at goalkeeper Infront is manageable for the caretaker.

9. Take advantage of shots on goal and test the goalkeeper as often as possible in the first part of the game.

10. Always wanting the ball and ask.

If you know you made runs great in space, let them know your team.

This type of communication is the development of the great dramas of crucial importance.

11. Always see the ball;not getting caught because you were to observe your opponents feet.

12. Do not leave the movement of all players on the field.

13. Stay true to your team strategy and tactics of the day.

14. Respect for themselves according to the officials, coaches, opposing team and their own team.

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