Monday, January 4, 2010

UK Binge Drinking - Am I an alcoholic?

Alcohol Effects - How much alcohol is too much?

For an alcoholic, the more the better. In the UK, people drink more and more by the fact that 26% of adults in England have revealed a disorder of alcohol abuse. It is a huge 8.2 million people.

Interestingly, the recommended level of alcohol in recommended by the Ministry of Health of the United Kingdom.

Maximum recommended consumption levelsUnited Kingdom

Women: 2 to 3 units per day, including a small glass (175 ml) of wine or 1 pint of regular beer = 2 units, but not more than 14 units per week

Men: 3 to 4 units per day and not more than 21 units per week

Willingly or not, something about what is problematic and it is nearly 10% of disease burden in the Health Accounts of the NHS.

Binge Drinking

For men, binge drinking is more than 8 units of alcohol orabout 4 liters of beer. For a woman, the 6 units, 2 large glasses of wine.

The middle part of spectators in the streets of London, Blackpool, Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, Dublin and Edinburgh do this more than twice a week. Do not talk all that binging happens in small towns. If you ever have the issue "Booze Britain" you'll be the extent of the problem of excessive alcohol consumption, see Clock in the UK.

What other signs of alcoholAbuse?

More and more detached from family and friends
Increased tolerance to alcohol, need more and more the feeling that something
Health problems, general malaise, alcohol, body odor
Reduction of creativity, the fog of mental function
Withdrawal symptoms (after all, what do you think a cat is it?)
Otherwise, work, work is lacking
Financial problems, lack of basic necessities in the house but still money on alcohol
Decreased sexual desire and performance
Abuse of family andFriends
Depression and drug use continues to feel "better"

Escaping the trap

If you have some of these symptoms in yourself or someone you care, it is time to calculate a position. Not everyone will require a vocational rehabilitation program. For those who may be just a deep look at their life enough to stop the self-destruct and go in this direction before the end of the abyss.

For others, professional helpabsolutely necessary. Many have tried to quit and can not be for a short period and then again in the same schema or alcohol abuse and alcoholism. That's when it becomes necessary to the possibilities that the alcoholic who wants to change their lives searching.

In the UK there are no treatment options that do not replace one drug for another and the people the tools they may have lacked in the first place they went to the excessive consumption of alcohol . Learning tools,Tools for better relations with and deal with other problems of life meet, communicate and decide their own future. Tools to prevent future outbreaks.

There is also a consultant on vocational rehabilitation to help you determine what to do next. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and there is hope.

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