Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How to Play Defensive Soccer - Tips on Defensive Soccer

Want to learn how to play defensive football? There are several techniques for effective protection for the opponent. Keep in mind that football is not played yet everything works well, and falls within the purpose of the goal. All these elements are unnecessary and will not ensure victory for your team, if there is not an adequate defense and effective.

Defensive play is very important, especially if you're in a position where you are facing alone with your opponent.

The basic technique forDefense is to keep distance from your opponent. If you are nearby, your opponent can easily go back and fetch the ball. As a defender must not simply rushed to the enemy. Try to stay calm and observe your opponent. In most cases, even the best player in their weaknesses, and it is your duty to discover their weaknesses and use them to your advantage.

While on defense, not to focus too much on the ball when you are in your possession. Attention next to your opponent "move so that you know how to fight, what to plan their will. Be fast and reacts to every move of the opponent and try to predict their strategy.

Above all, remember what we as an advocate, not only underestimated the enemy, because you might end up with a surprise where you're not ready. Suppose your opponent is best for you will work hard to be a champion. Coordinate with your team and let them know your plans.

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