Sunday, January 17, 2010

Football field measurements

While the action on the soccer field for adults. But this all in the same rules apply to all age groups. Measurements on the soccer field learning are not required to be a good footballer, but it can be fun to know, for example, the maximum width of a football field or. Let's start by ...

Measures on the soccer field for international matches for adults are about 110-120 meters and the width is between 70-80 yard. Fields for non-international matches may be 100-130Meter long and 50-101 meters in width, provided that the land is not to invest. The boundary lines longer lines are called touch or touches, while shorter limits that are placed on the objectives, targets lines.

A rectangular goal is positioned at the center of each goal line. The inner edges of the vertical goal posts must be 8 yards away and supports the underside of the crossbar between the goal posts must be 8 feet above the ground. The nets are generally set backorder, but are not mandatory.

In front of each goal, penalty or 18-yard box, as some want to call. This area is marked by the goal line, two lines on the goal line 18 yards from goal post and extending18 yard field perpendicular to the goal line and a line between them. The is 18 meters, has a number of important functions and the important thing is to score when the goalkeeper has to have balls to manage theirHands.

Another important feature is the brand, where a punishment by a member of the defending team fouls are punishable by a penalty. Other markings define the position of players on the ball or kickoffs, goal kicks, the penalties and corners occur.

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